About Me

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I have been a stay at home mom since Oct 31st 2006. My children started school in 2008, so I decided it was time for me to go back, too. I have been a full time student for over two years now, and it seems like I am learning about more than just my schoolwork.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy

My Monday class is a one credit course called Intro to Windows. It's scheduled as a 9 week course, last Monday was a holiday. So I've been in the classroom a total of 6 hours, and I'm already almost finished with the textbook that goes with it. One more week and I'll be completely done with the course.
The bummer is, even when I'm all done with the classwork and assignments, I still have to show up at class. Three absences automatically drop you from the course. If I had the money, I could add another course to my semester and cross one more requirement off my list. Unfortunately I spent all my Pell grant money on my current classes and textbooks.
So I get to spend 6-10 more weeks hanging out in a classroom doing nothing, or doing course work for no credits. I think I can talk to my instructor and either just go in for a few minutes every Wednesday, or call in or something- anything to not waste my time. We'll have to see what happens.

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